Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Summer has arrived !

Wow...hot summer sun ! Lovely days, I hope this continues.

My bees are as busy as....well, bees ! My instructor tells me we'll be ready for honey extraction around Midsummer.

We now have Moorbridge, a sweet d pony, he seems so good natured.

We have sold our house, and will now be steadily moving over to the farm...phew...it's all go here !

I have some pictures in a local exhibition which is always fun.
These aren't very good photo's, taken at odd angles, chopping bits off and glare from the sun ! But, you get the idea !


love.boxes said...

Your art work is so beautiful and with all you are doing it amazes me that you are as prolific as you are.. Wow!

MILLY said...

Hope all the house moving is complete and you find some time to relax, yes relax. Your own honey will be nice, hope the bees have been busy and the sun continues to shine. Enjoy your new home at the farm. Eileen x 

Claudia said...

B e a u t i f u l paintings, Ellie! -